value. quality care. convenience.
Professional Services Offered
Medical exams
OSHA Exams- Respiratory Cert, Lead, Asbestos, Hearing
Workers Compensation Exams
FAA exams
DOT exams
Post offer/Fit for Duty
IME exams
Travel Exams with Vaccinations
File Reviews of 5th and 6th Editions:
"The AMA guides to Permanenet Impairment"
On Site Exams
Case Management
Complete Lab Testing and Analysis
Blood, Urine, Toxicology, EKG, Pulmonary, Audiology
Drug and Alcohol Testing (DOT and Non-DOT)
Fortune 500
Ford Motor Company
Praxair Inc.
Federal Agencies:
Social Security Administration
United States Army Corp of Engineers
Federal Bureau of Investigation
United States Air Force
United States Bureau of Reclamation
State Agencies:
Department of Transportation (DOT)
Employee Health Service